Official Sports Betting Partner

Annex 4 - Trademark of the Club (2)

Viewing Live Streams on OlyBet

OlyBet live streams

Learn how to view your favorite sports events live

OlyBet supplements the best In-Play betting events such as the NBA, NHL, Tennis, Serie A, Bundesliga & La Liga with live streams, and we want to ensure that all of our customers are capable of using this feature.


Should you have any issues viewing the live streams, please try the following solutions.


– Ensure that you are logged in and have some balance on your account or that you have placed a bet within the last 24 hours.
– Streams are available only within the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania). If you are trying to access the streams from outside the Baltics, you might not be able to view them due to geo-restrictions.


– Devices using iOS and the Safari browser might experience trouble with loading some of the streams. There are solutions available should this happen to you.


Solution 1: You need to change the settings on your device. Go to Settings -> Safari -> Hide IP Address & turn the function “Off”.


Solution 2: Download a different browser. The best alternative would be Google Chrome.



If this didn’t help, please feel free to contact our Customer Support.

Maintenance Alert: 06.11.2023

Our site will be undergoing maintenance from 18:00 06.11.23 until 08:00 07.11.23. While we work to improve your experience, some promotions and functionalities may not work as expected.


Thank you for your cooperation.



Kamēr gandrīz katrai Pasaules kausa komandai būs mazāk nekā nedēļa, lai kopā sagatavotos turnīram, Katara to dara jau gandrīz sešus mēnešus. Situācijā, kad Pasaules kausa ieguvējs tiks noskaidrots īsi pirms Ziemassvētkiem, viss ir iespējams.